
A family-focused dance program for children 4 years and younger.

In our family-focused Intellidance programs, we are engaging our smallest artists in dance education that promotes holistic, whole, human and self growth through physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. We focus on inherent developmental concepts throughout the sessions and tie these concepts throughout all The Dance Factory’s educational dance programs.

As a caregiver, you will gain a deeper understanding of your child’s critical developments while bonding, dancing, and playing with your child. Your child will find support for their cognitive, emotional, and physical health growth through researched-based creative dance movement and music programs. Together, you will engage in meaningful and enriched environments that allow for the exploration and integration of emotions, feelings, and dance concepts.

Intellidance Tenets

  1. Each child is a unique individual and will be taught as such.
  2. Children learn best in an open play-based environment.
  3. Children learn through participation, observation, and interaction.

We find that prescribing to these tenets allows for joyful early dance experiences and sets a strong foundation for more technical future dance. It also provides a worldly teaching environment that addresses all types of learners.

We believe in creating meaningful and enriching environments for caregivers and their children. These open, inviting classes explore emotional engagement and social interaction through teacher-directed and student-centered activities. Caregivers will find the cued and rhyming activities easy to bring home and continue exploring with their children. There is so much excitement when you observe your child implementing concepts learned in class across many different areas. These classes will help to support a balanced brain, patterns of coordination, and promote social, emotional, and physical growth.

Babies 3-11 Months

A full hour of dance and playtime for baby and caregiver. Meaningful social/emotional connections are made as you and baby move together and with others. Explore dance concepts using multi-sensory props and instruments. Sing nursery rhymes and move to a wide variety of music. Fun and appropriate movements for baby’s developing body and brain.

Tots 1-4 years

A full hour of dance and playtime for tots and caregiver. Caregivers will delight in experiencing your child’s ever-increasing sense of self and movement growth. Dance and music concepts will be connected through exploration, discovery, practice and creation using multi-sensory props and obstacle courses. All age appropriate and focused on connecting the brain and body.